Announcing new JIPLP Special Issue on Fashion and IP!

Back in 2018, the Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice (JIPLP) was among the very first academic journals to dedicate a special issue entirely to the interplay between fashion and intellectual property (IP) law.

The relevant call for articles attracted dozens of submissions and the issue was a great success.

Since then, a lot has happened at the crossroads of IP and fashion: courses have multiplied and so have conferences, fashion law research has become more common and imaginative, and several professionals nowadays refer to themselves as fashion lawyers.

Now, JIPLP wants to investigate what’s new in the world of fashion and IP, by launching a new call for articles and special issue on fashion law, which will be released in late 2024 / early 2025!

If you are thinking of and/or researching a new issue, topic, line of case law, policy and legislative developments relevant to the fashion sector and wish to write on it, we want to hear from you!

Interested authors are invited to submit articles in the range of 4,000-7,000 words on a topic of their choice within this theme for consideration for publication in JIPLP.

Relevant articles must be submitted through the online portal, be in accordance with JIPLP house style, be previously unpublished, and carry the indication that they are for consideration for the special fashion law issue. Further to a desk review, all potentially suitable submissions will undergo peer review.

The deadline for submissions is Monday, 30 September 2024. No late submissions will be considered for this special issue.

For authors interested in discussing informally the topic of a possible contribution, please email the Editor of this special issue, Prof Dr Eleonora Rosati, and/or JIPLP Managing Editor, Ms Sarah Harris.

The Editor is also considering the possible organization of an online conference/meeting with the authors of the special issue after the special issue has been published.