Disparaging or offensive trademark registrations in the United States
Are there any limits after the US Supreme Court's decision in Matal v Tam?
Tannenbaum Helpern Syracuse & Hirschtritt LLP
The United
States Supreme Court’s decision in Matal v. Tam erased the country’s seventy-year-old policy, codified in § 2(a) of the Lanham Act, baring the registration of any trademark that “[c]onsists of or
comprises . . . matter which may disparage . . . persons, living or dead,
institutions, beliefs, or national symbols, or bring them into contempt, or
disrepute.” In a case challenging the
Patent & Trademark Office’s refusal to register the mark THE SLANTS for a
musical group composed of Asian-Americans, the Court held that the prohibition
on registration of disparaging trademarks could no longer be enforced because
it is in conflict with the right of free speech that the First Amendment to the
United States Constitution guarantees.
The decision also effectively settled a more prominent controversy in
litigation for over 25 years over whether trademark registrations for the
Washington Redskins football team should be cancelled as disparaging to Native
notably, the Court rejected the government’s contention that a trademark
registration is “government speech,” to which the First Amendment does not
apply, rather than private speech that the First Amendment protects. The Court decisively rejected the “government
speech” argument because trademarks are chosen by the applicants, not the
government, and often express a viewpoint—indeed merely by giving offence an
offensive or disparaging trademark is expressing a viewpoint. The decision reinforced the First Amendment’s
robust free speech guarantee of even unpopular, odious expression, noting that
“the proudest boast of our free speech jurisprudence is that we protect the
freedom to express ‘the thought that we hate.’”
The Tam decision also calls into question
whether the Lanham Act’s statutory provision barring registration of “immoral”
or “scandalous” trademarks is an unconstitutional restraint on free
speech. Tam has unleashed a torrent of trademark applications not only for a
variety of marks using offensive racial and ethnic slurs, but also for marks
consisting of or including four-letter words not traditionally used in polite
company. Whether the scandalousness
restriction will survive First Amendment scrutiny is currently before the
courts in another case, In re Brunetti, wending
its way to possible future Supreme Court review. The government is arguing that Tam is distinguishable and so the restriction
can survive.
[This is an Authors' Take post, which provides readers with an insight into current IP scholarship, featuring preliminary comments and thoughts from authors of articles accepted for publication in forthcoming issues of the Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice (OUP).]
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