The November issue of JIPLP has been available online for some weeks. In case you have not had a chance to check it out, you can read the contents
here. Unusually -- since the content of JIPLP tends to tilt in favour of the registered intellectual property rights -- this issue contains three articles on copyright and authors' rights:
* Rubén Iglesias Posse writes on "The legal status of copyleft before the Spanish courts"
* Navajyoti Samanta and Shameek Sen tackle "Copyright exhaustion in India and the USA: a comparative critique"
* Robert Clark provides a critical appraisal, "Public lending right in Ireland: dead poets need not apply".
Subscribers to the online version might like to see how much of the December 2009 issue is already available to them by clicking

Leading features in that issue include
* Christopher Wadlow, "The great Kenyan coffee crop disaster: a cautionary tale of coffee and counterfeiting" -- this year's Christmas Special, and a remarkable story of misinformation, myth and misunderstanding [available online since 13 October];
* Julian Cockbain's "Petitions for review of European Patent Office (EPO) Appeal Board decisions by the EPO Enlarged Board of Appeal", which has been available online since 23 October; you can read the abstract here.
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