The books now offered are as follows:

Regulating Genetic Resources: Access and Benefit Sharing in International Law Author: Charles Lawson
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing
Hardback: 336 pages
Price £75 (online from the publisher £67.50)
Further information concerning this title can be found here
"This detailed and concise book surveys the international genetic resources laws applying in Antarctica, space, the oceans and seas, the lands, and the airspaces above land and water.
The well-structured analysis traces the evolution of these various schemes and their contributions to the comprehensive arrangements under the Convention on Biological Diversity, the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture and the World Health Organization’s PIP Framework. The book details the different avenues and concluded positions, documenting a laboratory of legal approaches and possibilities.
Regulating Genetic Resources will be a valuable addition to academics, governments, NGOs and students in environmental and intellectual property law".
The TRIPS Agreement: Drafting History and Analysis (fourth edition)Author: Daniel Gervais
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell
Price £225.
Further information concerning this title can be found here
"The most significant change is the addition of four early versions of the TRIPS text in the article-by-article analysis in Part II, with underline and strike-through to show the changes, which chart the evolution of the final text of the Agreement
- The 1991 “Dunkel” text is incorporated in the commentary and compared to other versions (instead of being included in an annex)
- The early history of TRIPS as it was pre-negotiated outside of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) is significantly enhanced
- The commentary on each article is updated and revised to reflect dispute-settlement panel reports and other developments, including the fate of the Doha Round later this year and relevant bilateral and regional negotiations.
- More on the role of the dispute-settlement mechanism".

Authors: Darius C Gambino and William L Bartow
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Paperback: 480 pages
Price £135.
Further information concerning this title can be found here
"Trade Dress: Evolution, Strategy, and Practice analyzes the differences between the two major types of trade dress - product configuration and product packaging - describes the standards of proof for each, and explains how these standards have been interpreted (and in some cases misinterpreted) by the federal courts. The book also reviews the evolution of trade dress in the United States and its recent emergence as an enforcement alternative. Finally, it offers practical suggestions on how best to utilize trade dress rights in protecting a client's intellectual property".
Thesaurus of Claim Construction (Second edition)
Authors: Stuart B Soffer and Robert C Kahrl
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Paperback: 2,304 pages
Price £235.
Further information concerning this title can be found here
"Claim construction is a major phase of a patent litigation where the meaning and scope of the claims themselves - the invention - is determined by the court. The outcome of this definition phase is crucial to the respective infringement and invalidity positions of the parties. The Thesaurus of Claim Construction directs practitioners to cases-and in contrast to searches on more general electronic databases, only those cases-in which claim terms have previously been construed, and further to the sources of the evidence used by past courts to construe the terms in dispute.
This two-volume Second Edition is updated to include over 3,500 additional entries, some of which focus on Biotechnology, Pharmacology, and Cleantech. Ordinary Skill is now included as a topic".