As always, if you are not already known to us, please attach a CV or tell us why you believe that you are qualified to review the book that you have asked to review. Reviewers will kindly be asked to complete their reviews within a short but reasonable time (normally, 60 days). Of course, reviewers get to keep the books!
Research Handbook on IP and Climate Change
Joshua D Sarnoff (ed.)
Edward Elgar
Written by a global group of leading scholars, this wide-ranging Research Handbook provides insightful analysis, useful historical perspective, and a point of reference on the controversial nexus of climate change law and policy, intellectual property law and policy, innovation policy, technology transfer, and trade.
The contributors provide a unique review of the scientific background, international treaties, and political and institutional contexts of climate change and intellectual property law. They further identify critical conflicts and differences of approach between developed and developing countries. Finally they put forward and analyse the relevant intellectual property law doctrines and policy options for funding, developing, disseminating, and regulating the required technologies and their associated activities and business practices.
Nefissa Chakroun
Edward Elgar
This book investigates whether it is possible to execute the disclosed technologies just by reading the patent application. Nefissa Chakroun argues that while TRIPS Agreement obliges inventors to disclose full and complete disclosure, patent information users lack the capacity to fully utilise such information for their economic development. The book offers a critical analysis of the disclosure requirements of the patent system as well as an in-depth examination of the ways in accessing and retrieving patent information. Chakroun articulates proposals for strengthening the disclosure and methods for enhancing retrieval and exploitation of the technological knowledge, including an integrated policy on how patent information could be better utilised for development.
The following books are still looking for a reviewer! Could it be you?
Carolyn Deere Birkbeck
Edward Elgar
Written by a leading WIPO commentator, The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO): A Reference Guide is the first comprehensive reference book to illuminate the nuts and bolts of WIPO governance. This practical guide offers a unique insight into how WIPO is governed, described in clear, readily accessible terms for policymakers, scholars and stakeholders. The Guide reviews the origins of WIPO and sets out its current functions and activities, presenting a framework for analysing WIPO’s complex governance system. The text is accompanied by a number of valuable appendices, including key documents that have to date not been readily available to the public.

Isabella Alexander and H. Tomás Gómez-Arostegui (eds.)
Edward Elgar
There has been an explosion of interest in recent years regarding the origin and of intellectual property law. The study of copyright history, in particular, has grown remarkably in the last twenty years, with a flurry of activity in the last ten. This Handbook takes stock of the field of copyright history as it stands today, as well as examining potential developments in the future.
The contributions feature copyright and history experts from across the UK, Australia, the United States, France, Spain and Italy. Covering European, US and international copyright history and traversing from the 16th Century to the early 20th century, this book offers a broad survey of the field and a solid foundation for future research.
ReplyDeleteI'll be happy to read history of copyright law. or
Patents for Development.
(I can do both, but not in 60 days).
I am currently reviewing Neil Natanel's book Copyright in Jewish Law from Maimonides to Microsoft, Oxford university Press, 2016 for my blog. If you think it would be of interest to wider readership, am happy to offer you first dibs on the review, so long as I can then blog and link to it.