Silke: "We still don't have 100% harmonisation, if we have it at all" ..." |
First to speak was Dr Silke von Lewinski, who addressed the position of protected subject-matter under the European Union's laws and judicial rulings. Silke reviewed the provisions of the Software Directive, the Database Directive and the Term Protection Directive which addressed specific cases in which protection was to be accorded to "the author's own intellectual creation", on what was initially been assumed by all (especially in the light of Recital 16 to the Term Protection Directive) to be the basis that in all other situations the definition of protectable subject matter
Silke then addressed the controversial ruling in Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) Case C-5/08 Infopaq in which "the author's own intellectual creation" was set as the norm for protectable subject matter, together with the case law that followed it in Cases C-03/08 and 429/08 Premier League, C-145/10 Painer, C-393/09 SAS v World Programming and Case C-604/10 Football Dataco. These qualified Infopaq somewhat by stipulating that a sports event as such was not "the author's own intellectual creation" and that account should be taken of the scope for creativity which was open to the author. In the absence of "the author's own intellectual creation", the addition of significant skill and labour does not imbue the work with the quality of being copyright-protected. Likewise, where function dictates form, there is no exercise of independent intellectual creation.

Next to speak was Professor Antoon Quaedvlieg, speaking on the position under Dutch law, addressing minimal originality and technical exclusion. His paradigm case was S&S v Esschert, Hoge Raad, 25 October 2013, involving an action for infringement of copyright in a fire basket (left). Three criteria in particular were cited: was there a "personal stamp"? Does the work have its "own original character", and is it not dictated by technical criteria? On this basis, the Dutch ruling on copyright protection for scents fits with Case C-145/10 Painer and is probably right -- unless the French are right when their Cour de Cassation say that a scent is a single application of a piece of know-how.
Antoon then turned to the recent Dutch rulings in the complex Stokke litigation over the TRIPP TRAPP child's chair. How much of its design is determined by considerations of anatomy and stability, or is there more to it? The Dutch court of appeal considered it a revolutionary design that deserved a wide scope of copyright protection, so long as its technical functionality is kept free. But is this decision wholly in accord with the position of the CJEU? The level of "personal imprint" required of an original work is very low: anything above "zero level" is fine in terms of copyright protection. In the Stokke case, there were two such elements, which is more than enough.
Last to speak was JIPLP Deputy Editor Eleonora Rosati, speaking on the UK position. She started with s.1(1) of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, which lists the descriptions of protected works: the list is a closed list and only protects those works that fall within it. This is a "pigeon-hole" approach in which, for example, different copyrights subsist in the words lyrics and the music of a song. "Originality" only applies explicitly to authors' works. The UK is going through a transitional phase at the moment. While the gist of Copinger & Skone James is that "a work is a work", Cornish, Llewelyn & Aplin suggest that there must be both the right sort of work and that some sort of effort must have gone into it.

Following these presentations and a refreshing cup of coffee, a panel discussion ensued and a good time was had by all. JIPLP says "Thanks" to everyone concerned, and especially to our German hosts.
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